Survivor Feedback
The Domestic Assault Review Team would like to hear from you. As a survivor of domestic abuse you can provide important insight and feedback on issues related to your experience.
DART recieved funding from the Ministry of Community and Social Services to involve Survivor’s in a Survivor Engagement Project. In 2010 DART supported the creation of a group called,
‘Voices of Strength and Courage’ which is a group of women who experienced domestic abuse and are committed to sharing their story and providing feedback to the DART member agencies in an effort to improve service for other victims.
Please email us if you would like to provide confidential feedback to the DART committee
*Ocassionally DART receives funding to host cross-sectoral training and educational seminars on domestic violence. Please email the DART committee if you would be interested in attending future training sessions or have suggestions for training topics or speakers.
The Dufferin Caledon Domestic Assault Review Team
would like to hear from you.
As a survivor of domestic abuse, you can provide important insight and feedback on issues related to your experience.
if you would like to provide confidential feedback to the DART committee on:
- The DART Protocol
- Domestic Abuse Service Providers
- DART Projects
- Training and Education Seminars
If you have any questions or would like further information about this opportunity please contact the DART Coordinator, Laura Moscatiello, at 519-942-4122 ext. 303